Be sure that you have internet connection on your TL-MR3040 with OpenWRT installed.
Then Type
opkg update
#Install uhttpd
opkg install uhttpd
uci set uhttpd.llmp=uhttpd
uci set uhttpd.llmp.listen_http=81
uci set uhttpd.llmp.home=/srv/www
uci commit uhttpd
mkdir -p $(uci get uhttpd.llmp.home)
/etc/init.d/uhttpd restart
#install PHP
opkg update
opkg list php*
opkg install php5 php5-cgi
# configure PHP
uci add_list uhttpd.llmp.interpreter=".php=/usr/bin/php-cgi"
uci set uhttpd.llmp.index_page="index.html index.htm default.html default.htm index.php"
uci commit uhttpd
sed -i 's,doc_root.*,doc_root = "",g' /etc/php.ini
sed -i 's,;short_open_tag = Off,short_open_tag = On,g' /etc/php.ini
/etc/init.d/uhttpd restart
#Install MySQL
opkg update
opkg install libpthread libncurses libreadline mysql-server
sed -i 's,^datadir.*,datadir = "/srv/mysql",g' /etc/my.cnf
sed -i 's,^tmpdir.*,tmpdir = "/tmp",g' /etc/my.cnf
mkdir -p /srv/mysql
mysql_install_db --force
/etc/init.d/mysqld start
/etc/init.d/mysqld enable
mysqladmin -u root password 'root'
#Comment: in case you try to open MySQL and got “ERROR 1045 (28000): Access #denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)” use:
#i. Open & edit “/etc/my.cnf”
#ii. Add “skip-grant-tables” under [mysqld]
#iii. /etc/init.d/mysqld restart
#Enable PHP
opkg update
opkg install php5-mod-mysql
sed -i 's,;,,g' /etc/php.ini
#Install MySQLi
opkg update
opkg install php5-mod-mysqli
sed -i 's,;,,g' /etc/php.ini
mysqli.default_socket = /var/run/mysqld.sock
#Check the /etc/php.ini, for example:
mysql.allow_local_infile = On
mysql.allow_persistent = On
mysql.cache_size = 2000
mysql.max_persistent = -1
mysql.max_links = -1
mysql.default_port = 3306
mysql.default_socket = /tmp/run/mysqld.sock
mysql.default_host =
mysql.default_user = root
mysql.default_password = root
mysql.connect_timeout = 60
mysql.trace_mode = Off
#Check the /etc/config/uhttpd file, the
#Add the line:
list interpreter '.php=/usr/bin/php-cgi'
#For example:
config uhttpd 'main'
list listen_http ''
list listen_http '[::]:80'
list listen_https ''
list listen_https '[::]:443'
list interpreter ".php=/usr/bin/php-cgi"
#Install JSON
opkg update
opkg install php5-mod-json
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